Wednesday, August 09, 2006

went to watch fireworks ytd wif e guis. simply splendid! it was so close n near to us, n for a moment, e fireworks juz seemed like some bright hopes awaiting us. saw some frens which were quite unexpected as well. lols.. waiting for chin to upload e pics le. hees.. wish for more of tis nite to happen again. lalalaaaaa

it's time to motivate myself to study for exams le. sighs.. simply lost all motivation to study. tried forcing myself to concentrate. but yeah, my attention span was only like, a few mins here n there? oh man. this is bad. everything i do n see seems to link to you.

god. please help mi n save mi from e agony. meanwhile, jia you ppl. happy studying!

-i've lost all motivation to live. it's goodbye time.-

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