Tuesday, September 12, 2006

oh crapz. tmr getting back results le. sighs... hope dont forward module can le. *praying hard... very hard* hais... no confi tis time round at all when i know i gave up on everything during tt period... ***gave up everything for u.. but in e end, im still e one getting hurt...***

oh well. have been addicted to yan di xing kong + ni na mei ai ta by li sheng jie. dots man.. listen to it onli n i'll b crying like crazy. god... stupid emo roller coaster. juz stop tis once n for all ba. tired le... real tired... like wad i told grace, sometimes we appear, or have stopped loving a person, nt cuz we're unfaithful, but cuz we keep getting hurt till it gets real tired to hold on. yeah... eeeks. e songs made mi emo. stab myself.

anyway, work's starting soon. kinda looking forward to it. =)

-happy, sad, tireds... all mixed in one.-

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