Friday, September 29, 2006

went to balcony for a drinking session wif grace, chin, dee n benji. it was real fun... seriously had a nice time wif them. talked n laughed over matters deep down in our hearts. love u guys alot. u guys simply rock my life!

saw someone today, n it kinda brought back many memories of another guy. feel damnit cheated. nt tt i like him in tt sense though. but, if u're attached, den sae so honestly! arghs. forget it. shall nt elaborate much. sick n tired of everything. of life. fcuk. n to u-know-who, dont think so much ya.. let things cool down. he's nt worth ur feelings.. let him go slowly. jia you girl.. =)

-hope i can find back e love i once had-

Sunday, September 24, 2006

-i never had a dream come true... till e day that i found u. even though i pretend that i've moved on, u'll always be my baby... i never found e words to say.. dont wanna think abt each day. n no matter where will life leads mi to, a part of mi will always b wif u.... u're someone i wont forget.-
nothing's left anymore....

Saturday, September 23, 2006

-feeling lost... it sucks when everything's creeping back. once again find myself in a maze. dont know where to go.. how to go. i've failed terribly... n im horribly disappointed in myself. but i juz cant control it.. sry. so much emotions within my heart.. but yet i cant express it out. all tis is making mi so guarded. i wanna release my emotions, but i dont have e ability anymore. tired. real tired. scared.

hiding... -

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

oh ya.. n to u.. dun worry k? ttz alrd a closed chapter le. =)
oh crapz. tmr getting back results le. sighs... hope dont forward module can le. *praying hard... very hard* hais... no confi tis time round at all when i know i gave up on everything during tt period... ***gave up everything for u.. but in e end, im still e one getting hurt...***

oh well. have been addicted to yan di xing kong + ni na mei ai ta by li sheng jie. dots man.. listen to it onli n i'll b crying like crazy. god... stupid emo roller coaster. juz stop tis once n for all ba. tired le... real tired... like wad i told grace, sometimes we appear, or have stopped loving a person, nt cuz we're unfaithful, but cuz we keep getting hurt till it gets real tired to hold on. yeah... eeeks. e songs made mi emo. stab myself.

anyway, work's starting soon. kinda looking forward to it. =)

-happy, sad, tireds... all mixed in one.-

Thursday, September 07, 2006

went for imf training today wif jieyun, benji n chian hwee. basically juz sit there n stone while listening to e speaker. dry speech..... but yeah! got our passes n badges... n after tt, met up wif chin n basically juz walked ard aimlessly. think working in camp for e past few days kinda tired mi out. so was actually kinda stoned while wif them. oh man. but yeah... at least i saw chin n yun! yeps... u girls have become a big part of my life le. =)

aniway, our laogong's bday coming soon le. same day as leroy boy. =) cant wait....


Sunday, September 03, 2006

***heard smth abt u... n finally, im determined to let go. no longer have u in my thoughts.. i can feel u vanishing frm within my mind.. n for once, im happie.. n more at ease tt i no longer carry such a emotional burden within mi. bye.***

nice wkend... first time in so many mths tt i realli enjoyed a relaxing wkend, but shall spare e details though. =) anyway, grace, dev, siti n gayathri came over to my hse for a baking session! lols.. today's baking was nt as nice, but well, for first-timer dev, it was good. jia you d! n yeah, we managed to come up wif a family tree.. but it's very very complex. oh man. >.<

all in all, nice feeling. =)