Monday, July 31, 2006

2 more tests to go! oh my.. finally. have been trying to study like crazy for e past few wks, simply cuz there have been so many tests since like, 2 or 3 wks ago? crapz. turned us all into walking zombies. =_= LMBS test was kinda ok, juz that i kinda forgot wad r the roles for lab lab manager. oh well. at least the other sections were ok. =) wed's metbio paper. that's a paper which is realli stressing mi out. i wonder how mmm survived. =x

feeling damn lousy todae after a dream last night.. woke up missing someone like crazy.
-thks for telling mi that u've nvr forgotten mi.. thks for letting mi know that u wont wander far away.. but y is it that deep down, i'm still scared.. scared that i will lose u along e way.. i realli dont wish to lose u.. n i know, that there's still a part of mi waiting for u.. e only thing is, i dont know where this wait will lead to........ simply looking at a seemingly never-ending road. numbed-

girls, sorry if i failed to let go as yet.. but i'll hold on to e advices. n thnks for being there for mi. =)

p.s. looking forward to "mass gathering" le!!! oh man. la la gui in an excited state le. yeah!!!!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

crapz. juz got back home. guess there goes my slp tonight cuz of metbio test. arghs. =_=
aniway, at least i finally saw my leroy boy today! oh man. i miss him like crazy. so went out with them after my praying, which was like, late afternoon already? lols. brought him to suntec(again) to cut his hair, but he cried like hell. see him cry i also nearly cried. so poor thing lor. wonder y small kids always cry whenever they have their hair cut. *wondering*

after his hair cut, we walked to ms for dinner. n yeah, like wad i told grace, e more we dont wanna see a person, e more e person will appear. pained. saw a person whom i dont realli wanna see, n simply felt so down for e whole dinner. guess singapore is juz so small. >.<

oh yeah. went wif my bro n is gf to look for their wedding photographer, n saw those simply enchanting bridal photos and videos that he took for other couples. nearly cried (emotional mi) when i saw those video clips, n reminded mi of *him*.. his promises.. his love.. his everything.. oh man. i cant wait for my bro's wedding, which is like, in a yr's time? lols. *looking forward*

i miss e beach...
miss e sunrise n sunset...
miss e planes..
miss those mornings..
miss e movies..
miss our song..
miss *ball ball*...
miss lying on ur shoulders..
miss e feeling of ur hands..
miss ur voice..
miss ur hugs n kisses..
miss ur daily smses...
miss ur *paw*...
miss ur misses..
miss ur warmth..

miss you.
n i realli do.

oh well. gotta go chiong for metbio le. good luck for e test 2b22! =)

Friday, July 28, 2006

im finally back! lols.. shall first thk my mummy gui for helping me wif e blog. *kisses* n yeah, i will update my blog de, as promised. lalalaaaa..

went to sajc choir concert wif chin chin last nite. seeing e whole scene last nite made mi kinda think of him. guess it's always hard to let go when we realli love someone n gave so much to a relationship. thought i could let go of him, but look what i've become. hais. *saded* dont know how to express my feelings, but it's for sure a feeling which not many can understand. sometimes it's just so nice to be able to leave and forget the pain, rather than cry every nite for a guy whom we still love so much... for this, i wanna thk my girls.. bee, grace, chin chin, ouyang, vonne and cheryl.. u guys gave mi lots of support to pull mi away from e edge, n listened to my rantings everytime. thks so much.. realli love u guys!

on a lighter note, realli glad to be part of e golden turtle club! oh man... it's like, our class suddenly seem to bond together, and it's definitely a very positive feeling! meanwhile, we shall make e club prosper and make it popular! lols..

oh yeah, n to e certain someone. we realli hope u will reflect on ur attitude and change accordingly. we dont feel good doing all these to u as well, but sometimes, u simply get on our nerves and leave us wif no choice. sorry. but unless u change, we will continue to be like that.

shall end here le.. gonna go study for LM&BS and metbio le. oh man. >.<
-waves turtle paw-

-u'll always be in my heart-

Thursday, July 27, 2006

testing testing 123!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!